The goal of any decent organization should be the best. I wouldn’t work for any company that didn’t strive to be the best. Nor would you (probably – choosing to read this post tells a lot about you; it’s not targeted to the average professional – “too much work, better wait for someone to tell me what to do”, that’s what the sheep say!).
So, the goal of any decent organization should be the best. Than, the goal of any decent professional should be the best. And the goal of any decent HR department should be the best, and settle for nothing less.
This means: as a leader, you have to lead the pack to achieve higher and higher standards. As a professional, you should burn all your energy to be the best!
(simple, right? Heard something related these days, goes like this):
“Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire”
(set yourself and your team on fire, and fire who fail to set themselves on fire!)
CAUTION!!! HR has years of lack of self steam, is full of professionals that prefer to settle for the bureaucratic; AND (worse) full of low-demanding-CUSTOMERS-that-expect-only-the-basics (Yes!!! We are embedded in a mediocre environment, serving customers that got used to mediocrity! Guess what they will expect?). So WELCOME TO THE SPIRAL OF MEDIOCRITY! It goes like this:
HR don’t deliver, so…I demand less, so… HR deliver less, so … I demand less and so…
GOTTA BREAK THAT! WE NEED TO PUT OUR FORCES TOGETHER AND ORGANIZE A NEW GENERATION OF HR PROFESSIONALS THAT ARE ABLE TO BREAK THAT! That are willing to be the best! That starves for clients who will raise the bar over and over! That will look for an opportunity to make a profit as an entrepreneur looks for it!
Fortunately, several brilliant people are starting to break it! But it is still a loose movement, descordinated, led by people inspired to make a change – and willing to carry the burden of breaking the spiral, being percevived as…
- (slightly) Arrogant
- (slightly) Inconsequent
- EXTREMELY daring
- EXTREMELY demanding
- EXTREMELY ambitious
(ever felt something like that? If yes… GOOD! Pls share – focused, determined people should stick together!)
Never apologize for being or for aiming to be the best! If you are unapologetically excited about this goals, everyone will start to be as well! What’s better on the long run? To say “we are here to make shareholders rich” or “we are here to be the best”? Which environment would lead you to wake up energized, striving to do your best?
(people don’t desire clear goals. THEY CRAVE CLEAR, CHALLENGING, PASSIONATE GOALS!)
THERE MUST BE AN ORGANIZED REVOLUTION, but it all start with some avant gard people made of tick core, fearless of the consequences! So go on you HR-PROFIT-MACHINE, get up and shout out load: I HEREBY ACCEPT YOU, JEALOUSY, STRESS AND TURNOVER!!!! (it’s inevitable, everyone who strays from the pack are subject to that ). Pick up your guns and grenades, put on your camouflage, dress up your evil eye (or favorite amulet) and let’s go to the trenches!
For a high impact HR!